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Interested in partnering with us?

Investing In Your Community

Without the generous contributions from those within our community, our work would not be possible. Please consider becoming a monthly supporter of our ministry. Our inmates are working hard toward community reintegration. Help us in our efforts to share the love of Christ within our inmates while we are yet able. Your generous donation of any amount will go far into investing into your community.

Donations are used to support the Chaplain’s position, provide bibles and other literature, and reading glasses for indigent inmates. Every penny donated stays here in Mesa County.  We are a  501(c)(3) non-profit organization so your donations are tax deductible as well.

To donate, fill out the form for either a one time donation or choose a monthly sponsorship. Please contact us if you want to donate a physical item. If you have donated before, you can select the ‘Already have an account?’ button to avoid reentering your payment information. Thank You!

*Need to update monthly billing details, credit card information, adjust your contribution amount, pause or cancel donation? Click below